書名:Stories of Faith and Courage from Prison,語言:英文,ISBN:9780899571683,作者:Cameron, Connie (COM)/ Peck, Jeffrey (COM),出版日期:2012/11/09,類別:人文社科

Stories of Faith and Courage from Prison

商品分類:博客來, 外文書, 人文社科, 宗教, 宗教總論, 宗教人物傳記


There are many battlefields upon which faith and courage are summoned— hospital rooms, WWII beachheads, crime-infested neighborhoods, overseas missionary fields, and more. But the peculiar darkness of prison sends fear through almost everyone. This book uncovers the power of God’s light to penetrate “Satan’s playground,” through the faith and courage of His people.

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Stories of Faith and Courage from Prison

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